Land of Lincoln Chapter
Welcome to the IALEIA Land of Lincoln Chapter
The Land of Lincoln Chapter was established in January 1999.
At Land of Lincoln Chapter IALEIA, The chapter is committed to promoting opportunities in training, networking with peers, advancing the high standards of law enforcement intelligence analysis, and sharing ideas, intelligence resources, and techniques that consistent with the mission and objectives of IALEIA International.
The Land of Lincoln chapter is one of eighteen IALEIA chapters through the world!
IALEIA is proud to represent 3,000 intelligence analysts from more than 50 different countries. Our members hail from local, county, state, federal, provincial, and international law enforcement entities from around the world. IALEIA members also include intelligence analysts who work in a variety of private sector industries: financial/insurance, retail, private investigations, technology, and security consultation. We also welcome academic institutions and corporations who support the field of intelligence analysis through educational programs and software technologies.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact a member of the board to fill out an application.
All you need to do is fill out the IALEIA International Application and PAY them direct the $50.00 membership!
Please contact Veronica Salazar - vsalazar@wheelingil.gov to check the status of your international application.

Recent Activites Bringing Change
Foundations of Intelligence Analysis Training

An amazing IALEIA Illinois Chapter networking opportunity at the DuPage County Chief of Police Meeting, thank you!
We appreciate and support the law enforcement officers for their dedication to help and protect the community.

The FIAT Program provides quality analytic training, using experienced analysts, to members of the International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts (IALEIA), the Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIU), and other interested parties at a reasonable cost on a regional basis.
It is a five-day introduction to the basics of law enforcement intelligence analysis. As the name indicates, FIAT aims to provide a foundation, a basic knowledge and understanding, of the elements of the law enforcement analysis profession. It was designed to be an entry-level curriculum and meets the educational requirements for the IALEIA Criminal Intelligence Certified Analyst (CICA) certification process. Completion of the FIAT does not automatically provide certification. See the Certification section for a complete list of criteria.
For further information please visit IALEIA website at
We are pleased to announce the IALEIA Land of Lincoln Chapter’s next training event on November 18, 2024 at the Elgin Police Department. The topic will be an introduction to SQL and how it can be used by law enforcement analysts. Examples using real cases and reports will demonstrate how writing database queries can help you extract information and save time simultaneously.
This seminar will be open to all IALEIA members in Illinois.
Registration is required to attend, the links to which can be found in this email below and in the attached flyer.https://forms.gle/6hwNBPeAEa5BhXuJ9We look forward to seeing you there!
See the attached flyer for more information.
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